Pharmacy Roles at UnitedHealth Group: What is it like to work here?

Pharmacy Roles at UnitedHealth Group: What is it like to work here?

At UnitedHealth Group, our Pharmacy Team members contribute to the well-being of patients in a variety of ways. Our Clinical Pharmacists provide pharmacotherapy consultations over the phone, within a cutting-edge, clinical setting. Other Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians help keep our expanding business focused, collaborative, and an innovation leader.

Our pharmacy professionals work in a fast-paced environment where change is a constant.  This atmosphere requires them to think outside the box – identifying and recommending medications that will help prevent and effectively manage chronic disease. The patient-focused nature of the Pharmacy Team’s work ensures that the solutions they recommend are in patient’s best interests.

Meet Olisa, Manager of Pharmacy Operations, and Darhon, Pharmacy Technician. They have different roles, but each of them use problem-solving skills at work where efficiency and accuracy is vital and the pressure can be intense.

How do you describe what you do to family and friends?

Olisa: When doctors submit a medication request for a patient, my team makes a clinical determination as to what’s appropriate for the specific patient and the desired outcomes.

Dahron: I use real life situations. A grandmother goes to the doctor; the doctor prescribes medication and sends the prescription to us. We look at the other medications she’s taking and check to see if she has any allergies. I process the medication and make sure all the information is correct, and then pass it on to the pharmacist. I’m like the middle man, the meat of the process.

What are the elements of your job you love?

Olisa: I love the interaction with my team. We have a really diverse group and we work well together when we try to figure things out.

Dahron: Learning about different cultures and backgrounds that the people you work with have. You end up becoming friends with the person you sit next to. It’s really cool.

How do those same elements show up in the passions and interests you pursue outside of work?

Olisa: My passion outside of work is traveling because I love different cultures, foods and ways of life. I think that shows up in how I deal with my team, because I’ve learned how to bond with different people and understand their needs. We might all have different backgrounds, views, cultures and religions, but it’s still important to be on the same page.

Dahron: I’ve been writing poetry since elementary school. When people read a poem and they love it, it’s because it matches something they feel inside. Poetry has helped me be more empathetic and communicate with people.

How have you grown at UnitedHealth Group?

Olisa: Things are changing constantly here, so I have to find ways to do things differently and get better results. It’s really helped me learn how to think outside of the box.

Dahron: We started this weekly meeting with our supervisors. It’s about putting the ball in your court to help you better yourself. They keep you developing and setting goals to move your skills toward a new position. I’ve learned a lot about communication, teamwork and diversity.

What’s the most important thing someone should know before joining our company?

Olisa: You need to be ready to accept change, because it’s going to happen. You won’t last here if you want to do things the same way over and over.

Dahron: There is a lot of company pride and spirit in the culture here. It encourages everyone and brings out the best in people. The communication is open and honest.

If you’re looking for a career with rewarding challenges, this is the place to find it. Explore Pharmacy Careers at UnitedHealth Group and utilize your expertise in a highly professional environment where the workplace is less stressful and interaction with other pharmacists and health professionals is abundant.

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Published On: Sunday, October 16, 2016Categories: Career Areas, CareersTags: , , , ,